Tabletop Chain Conveyor Systems

OMS offers a variety of Tabletop Chain Conveying Systems.

If you are in need of a Tabletop Chain Conveyor system for your facility, we can accommodate a wide variety of needs. We are able to customize our layouts based off of your size requirements.

OMS Conveyor Systems

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CONVEYORS – Tabletop Chain Conveyor Systems

OMS is an industry leader with products that show it.

  • Single or multi-chain widths.
  • Various types of chains.
  • Mechanical Lane Diverter and Combiners.
  • Inclines and Declines.
  • Vacuum applications.
  • Stainless steel or painted mild steel construction.
  • Various options available.

Like what you see? Contact us for more information on how we can help you.

OMS is able to produce all manner of machinery to suite a wide variety of needs. With over 40 years of industry leading experience, we are the team to help your company’s success! If you have a problem that needs solving or a process that needs streamlining, contact us today!